I'm going to tackle a serious topic in this. Not to worry, you'll still get your fair amount of sarcastic humor, but the overall tone will be serious.
So, what is this "super serious" topic I'm going to talk/rant/blab about? Relationships, specifically ones in the romantic category. Unless I specifically say otherwise, anytime I use the term "relationship" from here on out, I will be referring to a romantic one. Note: If you're the "
TMTDNR" type of person, you can just skip down to the sixth paragraph.
Lets start off with (what's supposed to be) the pinnacle of a romantic relationship: Marriage. Marriage has been around practically forever. Now back in the old days the man made all of the decisions and the woman had no say, so she had to marry him whether she liked him or not. Sucks for her, right? Yeah, but at the same time this usually meant she was less likely to get raped, as the man would want to keep her for himself. Now don't get all into the ages that the girls were wed, because the life expectancy back then was waaaaay less then it is now, and the whole goal was to pop out as many babies as possible. But I digress, let's get to modern marriage.
Okay, so nowadays the average life expectancy is a lot longer, with lots of people who don't die in accidents living to be well into their 80's at least (I'm talking specifically about America.) Now people are marrying later. In 2009, the average age for a first marriage of a man to marry is at 28.4 and the average for women at 26.5. Now, I hate averages, but that's for another rant.
Then you have divorces. Its hard to get the actual divorce rate because they compare the amount of marriages per year to divorces, but the fact remains that divorce is commonplace nowadays. What this means is that all those 20-somethings who were so deeply "in love" with each other no longer share that love. Maybe they got bored with each other. I mean, hell, if they had known that they would be spending the rest of their lives with that other person they probably would have never gotten married in the first place! Or maybe they were just too "different" from each other.
The fact is that marriage is pretty fucked up nowadays. Like, seriously fucked up. So fucked up it grants me permission to use the phrase "fucked up" multiple times, otherwise I probably couldn't accurately describe how fucked up it is. Why is it so fucked up? Don't ask me, I've never married. I've never even had a romantic relationship. But that doesn't mean I can't observe, and observed I have.
I've seen relationships blossom and I've seen relationships crumble. I've seen their birth and their death. I can tell you, I don't like what I see. Well, actually, I do. You see, I've recently started playing a game with myself. It's called "Guess if the Relationship Will Last." It's very rare that I say "yes." In fact, I haven't committed to any straight up 100% "yes" answers. I'm simply too skeptical for this. It's so rare that I see an older couple whose relationship I actually respect. When I do see this, I'm like "Damn. That's what I want," all the while hoping that their relationship actually is that strong. Will I ever get this? I can only hope.
I'm going to stop this one here, because one can only read so much text before they start skipping around. Part two will be up soon. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to rant about in that, just know that it will continue to be sarcastic and cynical. :D
Sorry, no pic for this post.