Monday, June 13, 2011

Annoying sales, invention ideas, and donations.

At the time of my writing this, it is currently almost 2 freakin am. I would like to go to sleep but my mind seems to not want to shut down, so now I'm stuck here, lying in bed awake. Also, I am attempting to write this using my iPod touch, the same iPod touch that I got for free with my MacBook a few years back. My mom recently got herself a MacBook, but hers came with a printer! Yeah I feel gypped.* I mean, all I really got was a portable device that can hold 8 gb of songs (which I am far over) and access the Internet if I find an unlocked wifi signal (or know the password.) By the way, typing on this thing is no walk in the park. Everytime i try to hit the o key I accidentally hit done and my keypad goes away. Also the little onscreen buttons are smaller than my thumbs leadin to awkward misspellings that sometimes the autocorrect is too dumb to actually correct. Instead it will give me some word that isn't even close to what I originally intended. Blahhhhhhhhhh.

Apple needs to come out with something that will help us troubled sleepers to sleep. I don't know what this device would be, but right now I wouldn't mind if it dispensed knock gas. They could call it the iPassthef$&kout. I would buy one. It'd probably be a better investment than releasing a new iPad every six or so months. Then again the consumer sheep will continue to buy each new gen, so they might as well continue doing what works. But seriously, someone needs to invent something to help (force) me to fall asleep.

One more thing: I have no money. You should be a good Samaritan and donate to my cause (unrelated to aforementioned idea) and give me money. If you do, I will be sure to write you a thank-you letter and mail it to you, along with a coconut or other fruit of your choice.

*yes, that is the proper spelling. If you want to know why then JFGI. If you don't know what JFGI means, use urbandictionary. I would link you but I'm not quite sure how to on this thing and I don't really care to try at the moment. Deal with it.

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