Ok, so in this now four-part rant I basically said that romantic relationships are fucked up, and explained why. Usually it's because one or both parties put too high standards on what the relationship should be. It won't be perfect. I've said that a lot.
I've ranted a lot on stupid people and their stupid relationships. I've questioned what "love" is. I've given a cynical definition of romantic love (pt. 2.) I've talked about why relationships fail. Now I'm going to lighten it up and talk about the good I see in them.
Everybody has felt affection towards someone (or something) in this thing called "life." I don't feel like I need to describe these feelings as chances are you already know what I'm talking about. But I will say this: These feelings can be great. Spending time with someone you care about (not just romantic!) is awesome. It makes you feel good.
Spending time with someone you care about deeply who in return cares about you deeply is even more awesome, especially if its more intimate than your other relationships. They can make you feel like a whole new person. They make you feel good.
Unfortunately it's a double edged sword, as I have explained through these walls of text.
The trick is to balance it out. Don't put all your stock in one person. I know I may not be able to say this as I have always been single, but I can say that this is somewhat true. In the end, the majority of people are selfish, some more than others. I'm not saying that everyone thinks "ME! ME! ME!" 24-7, but usually it's more about "ME!" than "YOU!" The only exception I see this in is a pure, true love, and I only know of one of these.
Live life not for that one other person, but for many other people. Sure, you can prioritize certain people over others, as you will get along better with some more than others, but never put all or most of your stock in any one person, as if it fails, which it may, you will be left in ruin. Life is about helping other people fulfill their desires just as much as your own.

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