Sunday, August 14, 2011

Facebook Friend Purge? Pshh...

Friend Purges. They are not an uncommon occurance. I see at least one post about 'em every month, and I wonder how many unsaid ones have gone underway, and how many I don't know about because I was one of those "unfortunate" souls who did not survive. Now, I have contemplated doing one of these for a while, but haven't actually done it. Now I think I may, but rather than just do it the boring way I figure I can (hopefully) get some kicks out of it.

I wonder, if I was to troll all of my 'friends' on Facebook, how many (of the current 236) would remove me. I mean, I only know maybe a hundred or so in real life, and out of those hundred I don't even talk to all of them.

I will embark upon this quest in a few days (maybe.) But first, since maybe five people and my dog will actually read this, I will post the link to this on Facebook. You know. For kicks. Then after the act has been committed, I will report the results (including any comments made.) I honestly don't quite know what will come from this, and honestly I don't really care.


-Note: by "trolling" I really just mean posting their name on their wall or something. I may make inappropriate comments about current profile pictures as well.


  1. Obviously I was too lazy to do this, and I also realized that I would probably get banhammered for too many posts in a 24-hour period, and without Facebook all my sarcasm would pile up and consume me.

  2. hahaha this is a funny idea. but yeah friend purges are stupid. Or at least telling people it happened is stupid. when someone says "If you can read this you survived a friend purge" I unfriend them. not really but I think about it. it would be ironic.
