Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Teknologee r t3h suxorz :(

I am typing this from my Macbook while sitting on the floor a mere foot from the TV, but I am not watching the TV. No, the only reason I am sitting on this floor in front of that Godforsaken piece of technology is because my wireless is being janky and the xBox 360's ethernet cord is tangled up with all the other wire stuffs. Because of the tangle, I cannot remove the cord from the entertainment center, (the pieces of wood that the TV and all our TV related stuffs sit) so here I sit, rather uncomfortably, while my mom watches a movie.

I have been trying to fix my wireless connection for the past two hours, all to no avail. It's odd; it worked fine over Christmas break, and even for the first week or two of the summer. Then it randomly just went "KABOOM" or "BLAM" or some other explosiony sounding noise (BJSKEWSHOOSHKBSHOOM). Being my lazy self, I just sort of ignored this fact and continued using my computer for nothing but Spore (one of maybe five games that works on the Mac) and being an expensive paperweight - what a Mac should be used for, right? No...but that's a subject for a different time. Right now I feel the urge to rant.



Yeah, I said it. I hate technology. It never works for me. It's always been "Why magic toaster no work? I plug in, but no toast!" Yet I love it! I love it so!

Unfortunately, nowadays computers and such are so advanced that in order to solve a problem, one must got through sometimes countless steps, and for the un-tech savvy, this may take hours, even days ... months ... years ... *shudders*

What ever happened to the good old days where if a computer wasn't working, all one had to do was one simple step. No manuals, no google forums, just one, simple step: A swift kick/fist pound. You may be laughing to yourself right now thinking "Pssh. Silly doofus, that never actually worked." Well, guess what Mr./Mrs. cynic: Just because Myth Busters hasn't had a segment on it doesn't mean it didn't. I constantly kicked the old family computer (from the 90's ... *shudders*) and it always would unfreeze or whatever.

Well, I just had to shift my computer again because my mom's dvd remote's signal wasn't reaching the player. She wanted to fastforward through a part, and when she finally got it to, it wouldn't stop when she wanted it to. This seems to happen a lot.

In short: Technology is retarted yet genius, sour but sweet, lame yet awesome, gangster yet governmental, and what ever other analogies you can think of.

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