So, I was riding my bike, looking all gangster like usual (I was wearing grey-camo cargo shorts, a black sleeveless tee with skulls on it, my Vans, and a sweatband with a red and white skull on it on my left wrist), I decided to take my normal route, doing a loop at a park, and doing a lap at another park. On the way to the second park, I had to take a left, go down a hill, and then take a left to get onto another street that enters the park. Also coming down the hill were a pair of, if the one was who I thought he was, recent highschool graduates (graduating highschool is no amazing feat, but that's a rant for another time.) They were riding on the left side of the street. I took my right, and stayed on the right. I looked behind me, seeing no oncoming cars from either direction, and took my left turn onto the street.
One of the guys yells at me "Maybe if you'd ride on the right side of the street you wouldn't have to look behind you!" This bothered me, not because he was calling me out on something, but because of his own ignorance. First off, riding on the right hand side is where one is supposed to ride. Next time you happen to see a "pro" cyclist (one of the guys wearing spandex and a sleek helmet. Think of Lance Armstrong.) on the street, pay attention to what side he's on. If he's going the same direction as you, unless he's got a death wish, he'll be on the right.
Then I got to thinking about what the kids were wearing (I can call them kids because I'm older. :P) One was wearing a polo. A POLO. Now, that may seem like I'm just making fun of his fashion sense. Those of you who know me know that the chances of catching me wearing a polo are slim to none. But this wasn't just a normal polo. It was an ugly yellow polo. Sort of like the yellow of mustard.
Now, this still may not seem like much, but you don't know how hot it was. It was ninety-degrees. NINETY-FRIGGIN'-DEGREES. Maybe this guy is a trooper, but somehow I doubt that, seeing his weight. Yes, he was on the larger size. From what I've observed, fat people tend to sweat more than us skinny folk. Not that there's anything wrong with that, especially if you enjoy being grimy and carrying around a repulsive odor. But I digress, I would rather have him wear a polo than no shirt at all.
Back to the 'which side to ride on' comment, it also saddened me that, in order to boost his self-esteem, the kid felt the need to yell a "ur doin it rong" statement at a random stranger. The most depressing part about it is that he was the one doing it wrong. But whatever. I'll let him bask in his glory of stupidity. He's probably forgotten all about the incident by now, which is only logical; it wasn't a big deal. He was, after all, the one who knew what he was doing.
Random fish on a bike ---->

By the way, if you are overweight, I was in no way taking a shot at you, or fat people in general. As with everything I do, if I was trying to insult you, you'd know. Or maybe you wouldn't.
ReplyDeleteThe fish on the bike renders Polo kid's argument invalid :)