Saturday, August 20, 2011

Painting Red...

--------------------------^Click to Enlarge^---------------------------

So, I received my first Warhammer figure painting commission. It's nothing serious, and I'm not getting paid other than the kid giving me another model I requested in trade for my "uber owsum pante skillz." He wants the trim on the pauldrons (the massive shoulder guards on Space Marines) to be red. As in bright red. Now, I had forgotten how hard red is to paint, colorize with, or really do anything with, other than make things look 20x cooler and go faster.

For my personal models I apply a gold undercoat, as the red I'm using is roughly a 50/50 mixture of red and gold. For the red of the wax on purity seals, I use a maroon color as a base, then paint the normal crimsony red over it. It seems to cover just fine in only a few coats. I discovered, as the above comic states, that apparently on larger surfaces the red doesn't like to cover the dark red and stays slightly muddy dark red. So I had painted one side like this and said "Okay, this is messed up. Well I'll just put a thin coat of white over it."

...That didn't work either, because red is so fickle that unless your white is 100% white, it will still be a somewhat muddy red. So then I put a thin layer of orange over it. The red seemed to like this, and I will be keeping that in mind. Unless, of course, my suspicions are true and once I look at it again with fresh eyes it will be more of a red-orange.

Moral of the story: Don't paint things red, unless you're working up from either pure white, or another warm color like orange. And I'm still unsure as to why my hair turned magenta rather than red last time...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Facebook Friend Purge? Pshh...

Friend Purges. They are not an uncommon occurance. I see at least one post about 'em every month, and I wonder how many unsaid ones have gone underway, and how many I don't know about because I was one of those "unfortunate" souls who did not survive. Now, I have contemplated doing one of these for a while, but haven't actually done it. Now I think I may, but rather than just do it the boring way I figure I can (hopefully) get some kicks out of it.

I wonder, if I was to troll all of my 'friends' on Facebook, how many (of the current 236) would remove me. I mean, I only know maybe a hundred or so in real life, and out of those hundred I don't even talk to all of them.

I will embark upon this quest in a few days (maybe.) But first, since maybe five people and my dog will actually read this, I will post the link to this on Facebook. You know. For kicks. Then after the act has been committed, I will report the results (including any comments made.) I honestly don't quite know what will come from this, and honestly I don't really care.


-Note: by "trolling" I really just mean posting their name on their wall or something. I may make inappropriate comments about current profile pictures as well.