Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Cynic is not a type of vegetable.

So, I woke up on Monday morning at 7:45 feeling like I normally do that early: really freaking tired. After my 8:00, I got down to business working on a drawing. I spent easily five hours on it. Then I had a class at 6. Aside from some breaks, my day was mostly spent working on things. Strangely, I was in a good mood, and not having my normal negative thoughts.

I woke up on Tuesday, and this day went just as well, if not better. I got glowing reviews on my drawing, and had an overall good day. Right before bed, I told my roommate, Shawn, "I've been happy and not cynical since yesterday." Lo and behold, I awoke Wednesday morning back to my normal self. :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


This actually happened. Just like that. Seriously. I dislike that class.
NOTE: No, I did not forget to color in the third panel. I was drawing my comic on top of the assignment I should have been doing. The paper is white. Like me. I am so white.

What is "life?" I know "Halo."

Based on a true story.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Character Bio

For storyboarding class we were randomly assigned a character to write a music video for. I got Heino, which is some German singer who is an albino and bald. A bald albino German singer. Bowchicka ... no, just ... no.

Name: Heino
Favorite Food: Sardines
Favorite Hobby: Skinny Dipping
Biggest Fear: Goats
Favorite Place to Sleep: Under your bed
Lives: A cardboard box on a small island in the Pacific
Favorite TV Show: Dora the Explorer
Favorite Obnoxious Sound: Crying infants
Dominant trait: Albino
Grew up: In various foster homes across the globe.
Parents: Dad was in an insane asylum when Heino was born. His mother went to one soon after.
Best thing ever happened to him: Winning the lottery. Unfortunately, the money was all spent on one wig, which he lost.
Worst thing that ever happened to him: A freak accident involving radioactive tapioca pudding which eliminated his ability to grow hair.
Backstory: Heino was born into the family, to and . His father was put into an asylum for the act of , and was residing there when Heino was born. His mother was soon after sent to an asylum due to severe dillusions. Heino was left parentless, and sent to live in foster home after foster home. No single foster home could keep him, as his appearance (being an albino) frightened the other children. One foster home was located near a nuclear weapons testing facility, and some radioactive fallout landed in Heino's tapioca pudding, causing his head to burst into flame. He has never been able to grow hair since. Heino enjoyed singing in the shower, and would shower for the sole purpose of singing. After reaching the age of 18, he was on his own, but couldn't find work. He was found by a talent scout while singing loudly in the shower in a hotel room. Now he tours the world and fights alien zombies in his spare time.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Emotions and Emulation

So, we had to do a comic focusing on facial expressions, and also had to ink one in the style of a different artist, so I decided to kill five hundred-thousand-million birds with one stone.

Three of my favorite comics...

For Storyboarding class I am supposed to post my three favorite comic artists. So, here they are:
Rooster Teeth. Drawn by Luke McKay
Cyanide and Happiness. This particular one is by Dave.

Foxtrot by Bill Amend

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another Rant!

Words. They are used by everybody everyday. Some words convey similar meanings, but no two words mean the EXACT same thing. And then we have the plague upon language; slang. I am not condemning slang, and those of you who know me know that I use slang often. I know all of you know what slang is, and if you don't, you need to come out from under that rock.

I'm not gonna rant about slang. No, that would be both pointless and hypocritical. I am going to rant about a select few slang words that my generation has so happily embraced. If you have used one of these around me, you probably have already heard some of this, but even if you haven't, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out what words I am about to rant about.

First off is the biggest pain in the English languages side. That's right, you guessed it; "legit." I cannot tell you how sick I am of hearing "This is legit" or "That's so legit." Usually, this is out of context. As a noun, "Legitimate", which is the root of "legit," (just in case you were too stupid to discern that yourself) essentially means "Real, not false. Lawful. Genuine." "Legit" basically means whatever the hell you want it to. Okay, not really, but it seems that way. People will be describing something as "cool" and say that it is "legit." Let's say I pull off a kick-flip on my skateboard (I can dream, can't I?); if five people watch me accomplish the feat, I guarantee at least one will say "That's legit!" Erm, no ... it's not.

Now, you could easily argue with me that using "legit" in the above context is correct. Well, sucks for ya; it's not (See what I did there? I used slang.). Yes, the kickflip was a true, genuine kick-flip, and it may have also been very cool (more slang!), but using a shortened version of the word "legitimate" is incorrect usage of the word. No shit it was a legitimate kick-flip. I don't think it's possible to fake one. But saying that the kick-flip was "legit" makes you sound like a moron. It's sort of like stating the obvious. You don't walk around saying "See that green grass? That's legit," or "See that building? It's legit." Yes, the grass is green, and it is a real building. Very good observation, Sherlock. Maybe if you ever get in a car accident and your arm gets lopped off, you can tell the paramedics "See this blood? It's legit!"

Saying legit not only makes you sound like a fool, but it also makes you seem like a tool, which brings me to the next word in this little rant that maybe five people will read; the word "Tool." It's not as widely used as "legit," but that is probably due to the fact you can't replace a word of exclamation such as "cool" or "awesome" with it, but it is still overused.

What is a tool? Literally, it is anything used to accomplish something. My fingers and this keyboard are both tools used in the typing of this (offensive) collection of words. Now, can you guess what our wonderful culture has done to the definition of this word? Now, people can also be tools. I suppose they could have been considered tools back in ancient times too (Warriors were tools used by their rulers to conquer), but now the word has expanded it's meaning.

Let's have an example. I have a sleeveless t-shirt with the "Vans" logo printed on it. I also wear Vans shoes. Does this make me a tool of Vans? You could easily argue that, yes, I am being a tool. I am being used to advertise Vans. But then I would ask you to go take a look at yourself. What are you wearing? If you wear Aeropostale or American Eagle, or anything with a brand name on it, guess what! You're a tool too! Let's say you shy away from brand names. Let's suppose you prefer wearing flannel shirts, v-neck plain-white tees, and tighter fitting jeans. Now you're being indie. Whoa, looks like you're also being a tool, as defined by the modern culture. You're a tool to society now, seeing as indie is now the big trend (NOTE: I am not picking on anyone/thing indie. I'm just using it as an example, seeing that it is so dominate now.) The same could go for punks, emos, scenesters, even business men/women. I could even argue that you're a tool for driving a car. It's not that hard to do.

Seriously, people. In the modern culture, we are all tools, especially in America. The world is dominated by corporations now. In order to get almost anything now, you need money. GUESS WHAT!? NOW YOU'RE A TOOL OF MONEY! And at the same time, you're a tool of the government and the country whose money you are using. Sucks for ya.

I am neither condemning nor condoning the usage of these two words. I myself use them at times. Although, if I do say "legit" about something that I meant to say is "cool (or whatever crazy synonym I would use), I will slap myself on the inside. As much as I hate calling people "tools," I will succumb to this at times. There are people who are legit tools (See what I did there?), and have absolutely no idea how much they are being used. I own a few items of apparel from the brand Fox Racing. I have two t-shirts, and one pair of jeans. Now, if I also had socks, a hat, and shoes (if they even make those) I would consider myself a tool. If I also owned a pair of Fox boxers, I would start to question my sanity. Maybe not if I wore all these items on different days, but if I wore all Fox all the time, then yes. I would be an obsessed tool. But even then I still have problems with the usage of that word.

There were at least two other topics I mentioned that I could easily rant about, but I will refrain from them for now. I mean, I wouldn't want to look like a tool, now would I? That wouldn't be very legit. :)

PS: The picture is of a legitimate tool. We call it a "wrench." It is generally used to tighten or loosen things.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This blog is the best blog ever ...

Okay, so if you haven't played Metal Gear Solid, you wouldn't understand the Youtube video that is referenced in this. The main point of the part this comic is based on is there's a conversation between the protagonist and some guy, which basically can be summed up in "This gun is the best gun ever." It's not just the phrase, but more of the way the guy says it. Long story short, we grabbed the phrase and ran with it ... for at least five hours.

If you want to hear it for yourself, Youtube "Metal Gear Awesome," but be warned; the language is explicit. If you have played Metal Gear, you'll get a kick out of it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Blat blat!

So, I needed some way to vent all my built up RAGE and FRUSTRATION, so, I grabbed Shawn's old board (mine is currently out of commission due to two missing screws), my iPod, and skated around for over an hour while blasting my eardrums with Five Finger Death Punch. Then, ironically, I stopped by the lake, and just sat and thought while taking in the sights. After a half hour, I resumed with the hearing-loss and muscle-fatiguing. Hooray for exercise!

Preliminary Sketches

Monday, September 6, 2010

First Journal Comic

F to the A to the I to the L: FAIL.

I fail at a lot of things. Today was one of those days where I probably would have been better off staying asleep. I almost died on my skateboard (I shot off in the EXACT same motion that cost me a femur,) I sucked at Halo 3, had general fails of knocking things over, and just failing at getting through this life in general. Aside from my artwork; that is the one thing I am consistently good at. Well, usually. Depends on how awake I am.

Click on the super awesome picture to blow it up (make bigger, not kaboom.)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Super Special Awesome Stuff

So for my storyboarding class we are doing "Comic Journals," which are basically journal entries in comic form. I am super stoked for this assignment, so stay tuned for those. In the mean time I will indulge you with a super awesome short story with a very positive moral:

"Not long ago, in a small forest there lived a colony of platy...platypusses? Platypy? Platypeople? There were a bunch of those duck-billed mammals that lay eggs living within close proximity of each other. Then, one day, one got bitten by a plague infected flea. Then they all died. The End. =]"