Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Final Story Reel


Oh, finals...

It's finals week here at school, and it sure shows. Students studying like mad, finishing projects, and being irritable and exhausted. Fun stuff, this is. I, however, don't have any actual written exams. I just have a lot of projects, and now that I am done with all my projects, I get to sit back and relax while I watch all my friends study their butts off in attempts to meet the grade needed to either keep that scholarship, or to simply pass the class. I almost feel bad ... almost. I would have had an exam, but I failed that class before we got that far (due to laziness). Not that that really matters in relation to my week; I wouldn't have studied for more than maybe fifteen minutes and still gotten a decent grade on it.

For your viewing pleasure, here is some crazy sketch I did last year. I mean crazy as in psychotic.